Monthly Condo Fees on the Rise in Alberta

Condominium Management Calgary

As a leading Calgary condo management company – Avenue Home Realty is committed to providing our clients with the most accurate and up-to-date information about the condominium market.
In recent years, we have observed a steady increase in condo fees across Alberta, causing concern for many condominium owners.
We are committed to helping you understand this trend and make informed decisions. That’s why we have identified six key factors contributing to the rising costs:

  • Inflation
  • Aging Infrastructure
  • Increased Amenities
  • Insurance Costs
  • Regulatory changes
  • Reserve Fund Requirements in Alberta

We will delve into each of these factors and explain their impact on the condominium market in Alberta.

Inflation and Its Impact on Condo Fees in Alberta

Inflation is the gradual increase in the overall price level of goods and services. Inflation plays a significant role in the rising condo fees in Alberta. As the cost-of-living rises, the expenses associated with maintaining condominiums and providing services also increase.
This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including higher utility costs, maintenance expenses, and insurance premiums, all of which directly impact condo fees.

According to the most recent data available from Statistics Canada, Alberta’s annual inflation rate was reported at 3.1% in August 2021.
This increase in the cost of living has a direct effect on the expenses incurred by condominium management in maintaining their properties. For instance, the cost of utilities such as electricity, gas, and water has risen, leading to higher operating costs. Similarly, the cost of labor and materials required for maintenance and repairs has also increased.

To put this into perspective, let’s consider a hypothetical example: A condominium building in Calgary spends $10,000 per year on utilities and maintenance. With an annual inflation rate of 3.1%, the cost of utilities and maintenance would increase by $310 per year.

If the condominium corporation has 50 units, this would translate to an additional $6.20 per unit per year in condo fees. While this may not seem like a significant increase, over time, the cumulative effect of inflation can result in substantial increases in condo fees.
It is crucial for condominium corporations to account for inflation when setting their annual budgets and determining condo fees.

Aging Infrastructure

As condominium buildings in Alberta age, they inevitably require more maintenance and repairs to keep them in good condition. Many of these buildings were constructed during the housing boom in the early 2000s, and as they approach the 20–30-year mark, they face increased wear and tear, which can lead to higher condo fees for their owners.
The aging infrastructure in these buildings can result in various maintenance and repair issues, such as:

  • Roof replacements
  • Plumbing and electrical
  • system upgrades
  • Structural repairs
  • Exterior maintenance

Condominium corporations must address these issues to maintain the value and appeal of their properties. To do so, they need to allocate funds from condo fees towards repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. As the costs of these projects rise, condo fees may also increase to cover the expenses.

Increased Amenities

Developers have been constructing condominium buildings with a wide array of amenities to attract potential buyers and tenants. These amenities, which range from customized services, fitness centers and swimming pools to party rooms and rooftop gardens, are designed to enhance the residents’ living experience and differentiate their properties from competitors. However, the inclusion of these additional amenities comes with higher operational and maintenance costs, which are reflected in the condo fees.

Some of the factors contributing to higher costs associated with increased amenities include:

  • Maintenance and upkeep
  • Staffing
  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Depreciation and replacement

While these additional amenities can enhance the living experience for residents, they also contribute to higher condo fees.

Increased Insurance Costs

Condominium corporations must carry insurance for the building and common elements. In recent years, insurance costs have risen significantly due to an increase in claims related to natural disasters, such as wildfires and flooding, as well as the rising cost of rebuilding. Condo fees cover insurance, leading to a direct increase.
Insurance is a crucial component of condominium ownership, as it helps protect the building, common elements, and individual units from unforeseen damages and liabilities.

Condominium corporations are required to carry insurance for the building and common elements, while individual owners are responsible for insuring their own units and personal belongings. The cost of the insurance premiums for the building and common elements is included in the condo fees paid by owners.
In recent years, insurance premiums for condominium buildings in Alberta have been on the rise for various reasons, which in turn impacts condo fees.

Reserve Fund Requirements:

Reserve funds are an essential aspect of condominium ownership and management. They provide financial resources for future maintenance, repairs, and replacement of common elements and major components in the building. By law, condominium corporations in Alberta are required to maintain a reserve fund. They must also conduct regular reserve fund studies to ensure that sufficient funds are available to cover possible expenses.

The reserve fund requirements impact condo fees in the following ways:

  • Adequate funding: An adequately funded reserve fund is crucial to avoid unexpected special assessments, which can be a significant financial burden for condo owners.

To ensure the reserve fund is sufficiently funded, condominium corporations may proactively increase condo fees to allocate more funds towards the reserve.

  • Reserve fund studies: A reserve fund study is a professional assessment of the building’s common elements and major components, with the goal of estimating their remaining useful life and the costs associated with their repair, replacement, or restoration.

These studies must be conducted at least once every five years in Alberta, and their costs are covered by the condominium corporation, which is often passed on to the condo owners through their fees.

  • Unanticipated expenses: While reserve fund studies aim to predict future expenses accurately, some costs may be higher than anticipated, or unforeseen issues may arise.

In such cases, condominium corporations may need to increase condo fees to ensure the reserve fund remains adequately funded.

  • Inflation and market fluctuations: The cost of materials, labor, and other factors impacting the costs of maintenance, repair, and replacement can vary due to inflation and market fluctuations.

Condominium corporations need to account for these variations when determining the required reserve fund contributions, which may result in higher condo fees.

  • Previous underfunding: If a condo management company has not been adequately funding the reserve fund in the past, it may need to increase condo fees significantly to make up for the shortfall and ensure the reserve fund is sufficiently funded moving forward.

Condo owners should be aware of the importance of reserve fund requirements and their impact on condo fees.

If you’re on the condo board, participating in condominium corporation meetings and staying informed about the reserve fund studies and funding plans, owners can help ensure the financial stability of their investment while minimizing the financial burden on themselves.

Conclusion: Preparing for Future Condo Fee Increases

In conclusion, condominium owners in Alberta must be aware of the various factors contributing to increased condo fees, such as inflation, aging infrastructure, increased amenities, rising insurance premiums, and reserve fund requirements.

By understanding these factors and their potential impact on condo fees, owners can make informed decisions about their investments and budget for potential fee increases in the future.

Participating in condominium corporation meetings and staying up to date on the management and financial plans of the building can help owners anticipate future expenses and ensure the long-term financial stability of their investment.

As the condominium landscape continues to evolve, being proactive and financially prepared for changes in condo fees will help owners protect their investment and enjoy a comfortable living experience.
With several years offering property management in Calgary, Avenue Home Realty is always available to answer any questions that you might have.